84810 Russian KV-1(model 1941) KV small
turret tank
The (Kliment Voroshilov) KV tanks, were a series of Soviet heavy tanks named after the Soviet defense commissar and politician Kliment Voroshilov. They operated with the Red Army during World War II. The KV tanks were known for their heavy armor protection during the early stages of the war, especially during the first year of the German invasion of the Soviet Union In certain situations, even a single KV-1 or KV-2 supported by infantry could halt large German formations. The German Wehrmacht at that time rarely deployed its tanks against KVs, as their own armament was too poor to deal with the "Russischer Koloss" - "Russian Colossus". As the war progressed the KV were replaced with the less expensive T-34
medium tank.
Item No 84810
Item Name Russian KV-1(model 1941) KV small turret
Scale 1:48
Item Type Static kit
Brief Length: 145mm Width: 69mm
Height: 58mm
Photo Etched
Parts One sheet