84567 1:35 Bergepanzer BPz2 Buffalo ARV
German armored work machine developed on the basis of the Leopard 1. It was used to recover damaged vehicles in combat, providing assistance with the installation and removal of engines and turrets, and providing support in the repair shop. The vehicle was used by logistic forces and in the armored infantry battalions of the German armed forces
Item Type Plastic Model Armor Kit
Photo Etched Parts 1 piece
Metal Parts copper cable
Total Sprues 14 sprues , upper hull and lower hull
Total Plastic Parts 690+
Model Dimension Length: 205.8mm Width: 94mm
More Features:
- Refined detail
- Multi-slide molded lower hull & upper hull
- Individual tracks
- Optional position crane with cables
- Detailed access doors with photo-etch
- Separately molded cradle
- 7.62mm MG3
- Accurate interior with photo-etched parts
- Detailed roof interior
- Rear deck with all the necessary light, pintle and storage