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82451 1/35 M3A1 White Scout Car Early Production
82451 1/35 M3A1 White Scout Car Early Production
Retail Price: $52.50
Scale: 1/35
Brand: Hobbyboss

Stock Status: In Stock

Product Code: 82451

82451 1/35 M3A1 White Scout Car Early Production

US M3A1 While Seoul Car Earlv Production - The White M3A 1 Scout Car was first produced in 1938. Initially the scout car was primarily used by armored and reconnaissance units but it was more suited to road use than cross-country terrain. During the war, the M3A 1 s were rarely used in the dangerous role of scout vehicles. Trial versions included the M3A 1 E1 with a diesel engine, the M3A 1 E2 with an armored roof, and the M3A 1 E3 mounting a 37mm 146in gun on a rotating pedestal. Nearly 21,000 were built and the M3, known as the White scout car, was supplied in large numbers under Lend -Lease to the Soviet Union and to Free French forces. After the war, surplus vehicles were exported to nations in Israel and elsewhere, where they often served for many years. The vehicle could carry a crew of eight and was armed with a 50 M2 machine gun in the front and two 30 1917 Brownings positioned in the rear. All three guns were mounted on a continuous skate rail and could bring down a lot of fire on a target.