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707446 1/72 Pz.Kpfw.VIII Maus
707446 1/72 Pz.Kpfw.VIII Maus
Retail Price: $27.99
Scale: 1/72

Stock Status: In Stock

Product Code: 707446

PanzerkampfwagenVIII Maus, the super-heavy tank designed during World War II Germany. It is equipped with a 128mmKwK44 L55 gun and gun and a coaxial 75MM KWK L36.5 auxiliaryguns, and all vehicles are equipped with a 240-60 mm armor. Mouse ultra-heavytanks drive system experimental electric drive system, but compared to the weight of 188 tons, its speed can reach 18 kilometers per hour. Maus tanks during World WarII produced only two prototypes, the war has been the German military for avariety of tests, not used in combat, and later to end the war the Sovietsseized, but two prototypes have been German varying degrees of destruction, sothat later had to be number two turret mounted on the vehicle's chassis one carback to the Soviet Union test, in 1952, after the Soviet tanks put toge the rMaus test is completed, She is transported to Kubinka Tank Museum for permanentdisplay show.