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707122 1/72 German Jagdpanzer E-100
707122 1/72 German Jagdpanzer E-100
Retail Price: $28.50
Scale: 1/72

Stock Status: In Stock

Product Code: 707122

one of the last projects in the long line of German ingenious "E-series" next generation tanks, the E-100 was planned to be the basis for a whole new line of super heavy armoredvehicles. The Salamand er was based on the E-100 chassis, and was developed tobe thenext generation tank destroyer. The prototypes were produced in Henschelof Haustenbeck in the suburbs ofPaderborn. The main armament consists of a 170mm anti-tank gun capable offiring armor piercing projectiles at ranges up to four kilometers. A 75mmco-axial gun similar to the Maus was planned but was done away with to givemore room for the crew and ammunition . The shape that integrated a fightingcompartment within themain body is reminiscent of the Jagdpan the r, with the front having enough angles of inclination to produce 200mm of frontal armor. With a 1,200HP engine and a new torque con verter from Mekydro, aprojected speed closer to 40km/hour was attainable.