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706717 1/700 HMS Nelson 1944
706717 1/700 HMS Nelson 1944
Retail Price: $73.99
Scale: 1/700

Stock Status: In Stock

Product Code: 706717

HMS NELSon was laid down at Armstron g-Whitworths shipyard in Newcastle-on -Tyne on December 28th 1922, launched on September 3rd 1925, and commission edon August 15th 1927. At the outbreak of World War II in September 1939, NELSon was serving as flagship of the Home Fleet. In March 1941 NELSon supported the landing raid on the LofotenIsland s, Norway, against German factories producing fish oil and glycerine. The same year NELSon transferred to the Mediterranean, taking part in one of the MaltaCon voys. In November 1942, NELSon was active in the Operation Torch landing s in French NorthAfrica. In July 1943, NELSon supported the Allied invasion of SicilyOperation Husky, and the Salernolanding in September 1943. on September 29th 1943, GeneralDwight D Eisenhower, on behalf of the Allies, and Marshal Badoglio of Italy signed the Italian surrender agreement aboard NELSon . In 1944, NELSon took part in the Normandy landing s,subsequently transferring to the Indian Ocean to participate in the war on Japan in August and September 1945. The Japanese surrender of Malaya was signedaboard NELSon on September 3rd 1945. After the war ended in 1945, NELSon was retired from active serviceand used on training duties until 1947, becoming a bombing target before beingsold for scrap in 1948.