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705803 1/48 Mig-27M Flogger J
705803 1/48 Mig-27M Flogger J
Retail Price: $86.50
Scale: 1/48

Stock Status: In Stock

Product Code: 705803

NATO reporting name:Flogger-J. This model was a cheaper variant than the MiG-27K, but much better than the MiG-23B, MiG-23BN, and MiG-27 (MiG-23BM), with the electro-optical and radio-frequency heads above the glove pylon s deleted. It was first armed with the GSh-6-23M Gatling gun, but this was later replaced by a new 30 mm GSh-6-30six-barrel cannon with 260 rounds of ammunition in a fuselage gon dola. It alsoreceived much-improved electron ic countermeasure (ECM) systems, and a new PrNK-23K nav/attack system providing automatic flight control, gun firing, and weapon srelease. However, this modification was not very successful because of the heavy recoil from thenew cannon, and bursts longer than two or three Secondsoften led to permanent damage to the airframe. A total of 200 MiG-27Ms werebuilt from 1978 to 1983, plus 160 for India, and it is currently inservice with the Sri Lanka Air Force.