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705579 1/35 Soviet MT-LB 6MA
705579 1/35 Soviet MT-LB 6MA
Retail Price: $111.99
Scale: 1/35

Stock Status: In Stock

Product Code: 705579

In the 1970s the Soviet began a development program to replace the AT-Pseries of artillery tractors (which were based on the ASU-57 airborneself-propelled gun) with a new generation of vehicles. The MT-L was developedto meet this requirement based on the PT-76 amphibious light tank chassis. The MT-LB is the armored variant of the MT-L. Entering production in the early1970s, it was cheap to build, being based on many existing compon ents like the engine which was originally developed as a truck engine. It was built at the Kharkov tractor plant and under license in Poland and BulgariaMT-LB 6MAMT-LBM fitted witha turret from BTR-80.MT-LB 6MBMT-LBM fitted with a turret from BTR-80A.