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705562 1/35 Russian T-90A MBT
705562 1/35 Russian T-90A MBT


Retail Price: $88.99
Scale: 1/35

Product Code: 705562

To further improve the T-72's export prospects and its chances of being selected as Russia's sole production MBT, the T-80U's more sophisticated fire control system was also added to produce a vehicle designated T-72BU. The T-90 was developed by the Kartsev-Venediktov Design Bureau at the Uralvagon zavod factory in Nizhny Tagil. The production model is based on the T-72BM, with some added features from the T-80 series. The T-90 with an 840 hp (630 kW) engine went into low-level production in 1993, based on a prototype designated T-88. It features a new generation of Kon takt-5 explosive reactive armor on its hull and turret. Of convention al layout, the T-90 represents a major upgrade to every system in the T-72, including themain gun. The T-90S have been identified as export model. Thereferences to a T-90E appear to be unsubstantiated. The T-90 is fitted with a "three-tiered" protection system: the first tier is the composite armor in the turret, second tier is third generation Kon takt-5 ERA and third tier is a Shtora-1 countermeasures suite.