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705516 1/35 Russian NBC (LATE)
705516 1/35 Russian NBC (LATE)
Retail Price: $59.50
Scale: 1/35

Stock Status: In Stock

Product Code: 705516

Like the earlier BRDM-1, the BRDM-2 is a fully armored, four-wheel drive, amphibiousrecon naissance vehicle with two pairs of belly wheels and a centralized tirepressure regulation system for increased cross-country capability and a singlewater jet for propulsion through water. Externally, it differs from the BRDMdue to a larger, box-like hull. It retains the boat-like bow of the BRDM, but the crew compartment has been moved far the r forward and the engine has beenmoved totherear. In the basic model, a small con ical turret is mounted on the hull in a central position above the belly wheels. There are two front cupolas,and vision blocks are located centrally on both sides. The engine is largerthan in the BRDM (140hp V-8 as opposed to 90hp 6-cylinder). The BRDM-2 isfitted with an IR spotlight and IR driving light s as well as an NBC filtersystem.