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705104 1/35 Helicopter-CH-47A "CHINOOK"
705104 1/35 Helicopter-CH-47A "CHINOOK"


Retail Price: $183.99
Scale: 1/35

Product Code: 705104

The CH-47A, first delivered for use in Vietnam on August 1962, is a tand em-rotor medium transport helicopter. The Chinook's primary mission is moving artillery, ammunition, person nel, and supplies on the battlefield. It also performs rescue, aeromedical, parachuting, aircraft recovery and special operations mission s. Early production CH-47As operated with the 11th Air Assault Division during 1963 and in October of that year the aircraft was for mally designated as the Armys stand ard medium transport helicopter. In June 1965 the 11th Air Assault Division was redesignated as the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) and readied for deployment to Viet Nam. Chinooks from the 11th Air Assault for med thenucleus of the 228th Assault Helicopter Battalion which began operations in Viet Nam in September, 1965. As of February 1966, 161 aircraft had been delivered to the Army. Rotor Diameter: 59 ft 1 in Fuselage Length: 51 ft Height: 18 ft 8 in Empty Weight: 23149 lb Engine: 2 Lycoming T-55-L-7 turboshaft, 2,650 shp each Max Weight: 38550lb Max Speed: 144 mph Ceiling: 9,000 ft Range: 1,250 miles Crew: 2