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703226 1/32 Russian MIG-29UB Fulcrum
703226 1/32 Russian MIG-29UB Fulcrum
Retail Price: $201.99
Scale: 1/32

Stock Status: In Stock

Product Code: 703226

In order to train thenew pilots of the Fulcrum for Air Force,Mikoyan OKB developed a combat-capable trainer base on the original Fulcrum A. Known as the Izdeliye 9.51, thenew Two-Seat Mig-29UB con version trainertook it's first flight on 29th April 1981.To avoid a major redesign and ensuremaximum common ality, the fire control radar was deleted in order to con tain thenew ly-designed cockpit and canopy.Both the trainee at the front seat and the instructor at therear can control the aircraft completely.With theremainingIRST and HMS, the Mig-29UB can still firing their-homing AAMs and air-to-groundarmaments. The internal cannon were retained. The Mig-29UB retaineddogfighting and strike capability,and the special emulators allows pilots totrain in intercept techniques.Most users of the Single-Seat Mig-29s haveimported the Mig-29UB to train their new pilots.