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702350 1/35 German 5cm FLAK 41
702350 1/35 German 5cm FLAK 41
Retail Price: $78.99
Scale: 1/35

Stock Status: In Stock

Product Code: 702350

702350 1/35 German 5cm FLAK 41

The 5 cm FlaK 41 was50 mm anti-aircraft gun produced for defending intermediate zone above the light, 37 mm guns' range, but below the ceiling of the heavy, 75 mm and above, pieces. Development of the gun, although started in 1936 was slow, and the con tract was awarded to Rheinmetall-Borsig only in 1940. The gun was produced in two models, used for defending important industrial installation s. None of the two was a success and both shared the same faults. The speed of traverse was too slow for fast-moving targets and the gun proved underpowered, even though the propellant gave a powerful blast, able to dazzle the aimer even in broad daylight . Altogether 60 of 5 cm Flak 41 were produced, starting from 1941.Some of them were still in use in 1945.