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701666 1/72 Shenyang J-31 Gyrfalcon (Airshow China 2014)
701666 1/72 Shenyang J-31 Gyrfalcon (Airshow China 2014)
Retail Price: $43.99
Scale: 1/72

Stock Status: In Stock

Product Code: 701666

Chinese J-31 Gyrfalcon (also known asFalcon Eagle or Falcon Hawk) 5th generation Stealth Fighter being developed by the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, subsidiary of AVIC Aviation IndustryCorporation of China. The mid-size single seat aircraft is of twin-engine and twin-tail configuration .Maiden flight was on October 31, 2012, and in November 2014 J-31 prototype31001 made its debut at the 10th China Internation al Aviation  AerospaceExhibition in Zhuhai, Guangdon g Province. A scale model of updatedJ-31 was displayed at 2016 Zhuhai Airshow. J-31Falcon Eagle features two internal weapon s bays, and can carry addition alunderwing weapon s capability. J-31 is designed to carry new generation short-range air-to-air HSM (Heat Seeking Missile) and BVR (Beyon d VisualRange) air-to-air missile.