701641 1:72 A-6E Intruder
The A-6E is the last production type of the Intruder family. They were developed for strike missions. A new AN/APQ-148 radar replaced the old version and the DIANE system was replaced by the latest computer system. In the late 1970s, the new navigation system called CAINS was included. The CAINS A-6E can be distinguished by the extra air scoop on top of the fuselage near the vertical stabilizer.
Item Type: Plastic Model Aircraft Kit
Model Brief: Length: 233.1mm Wingspan:224.5 mm
Length: 9.17" Wingspan: 8.8"
Total Sprues: 10 sprues
More Features:
- clear parts for canopy
- fuselage & wing with finely engraved panel lines
- wings can be folded or open
- window masks included