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701558 1/35 LAV III TUA (Tow-Under-Armour)
701558 1/35 LAV III TUA (Tow-Under-Armour)
Retail Price: $58.50
Scale: 1/35

Stock Status: In Stock

Product Code: 701558

The nearest equivalent to the LAV-III TUA would be the USAs M1134 Stryker ATGM. When procurement plans for the LAV III were slashed in half in themid-1990s, among the cuts to a proposed family of vehicles based on this next-generation LAV was a replacement for M113 TUAs, the CF's tracked APC-based TOW missile launchers. This wheeled TUA was never cancelled. It was simply a matter of funding thenecessary vehicles therecycled TUA turrets would simply swap on to new chassis the CF intended to field 71 new TUAs.Familiarization train- ing began in March 2006