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701515 1/35 German VK 3001(H) PzKpfw VI (Ausf A)
701515 1/35 German VK 3001(H) PzKpfw VI (Ausf A)
Retail Price: $65.50
Scale: 1/35

Stock Status: In Stock

Product Code: 701515

On 9 September 1938, following initial testing of the D.W. chassis, In 6 authorized the Heeres Waffenamt to continue with the development of a Panzer in the 30 ton class. With a 30 metric ton weight restriction, a Panzer armed with a 7.5 cm Kw.K L/24 could be designed with armor protection of 50 mm on both the front and sides. Armor plate 50 mm thick was the established stand ard for effective protection against uncapped armor-piercing shells fired by the German 3.7 cm Pak L/45 anti-tank gun. Officially named the Panzerkampfwagen VI(7.5 cm)by 31Octorber 1940,it retained the design code name of D.W. along with thenew code designation VK 30.01.