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701069 1/35 PHL-03 Multiple Launch Rocket System
701069 1/35 PHL-03 Multiple Launch Rocket System
Retail Price: $157.99
Scale: 1/35

Stock Status: In Stock

Product Code: 701069

The PHL03, also referred as the Type 03, multiple launchrocket system is a Chinese version of the Russian BM-30 Smerch. It wasdeveloped by NORINCO and reportedly entered service with the Chinese army in2004 - 2005. Currently it is one of the most powerful artillery rocket systems in the world. The PHL03 is also beingproposed for the export customers as the AR2. It is in service withMorocco(on ebattalion with 36 units). The PHL03 retains the original Russian configuration with 12 tubes for 300-mm rockets. The stand ard rocket weights around 800 kg. Some sources claim that its maximumfiring range is 150 km, however it is most likely to be up to 100 km. The PHL03 is based on a Wanshan WS2400 8x8special wheeled chassis. This military vehicle has good cross-country mobility.It is fitted with a central tyre pressure system, which can be adjusted on themove.