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701040 1/35 M901 Launching Station w/MIM-104F Patriot SAM System (PAC-3)
701040 1/35 M901 Launching Station w/MIM-104F Patriot SAM System (PAC-3)
Retail Price: $126.99
Scale: 1/35

Stock Status: In Stock

Product Code: 701040

The PATRIOT (PAC-3) program is an air-defense, guidedmissile system with long-range, medium- to high-altitude, all-wea the rcapabilities. The PAC-3 primary mission is to engage TBMs, and advanced cruise missile and aircraft threats. The PAC-3 missile uses hit-to-kill technology for greaterlethality against TBMs armed with weapon s of mass destruction . The PAC-3 systemupgrades have provided improvements that increase performance against evolvingthreats, meet user requirements, and enhance Joint interoperability. PATRIOTsfast-reaction capability, high firepower, ability to track numerous targetssimultaneously, and ability to operate in a severe environ ment make it the U.S.Armys premier air defense system.