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700338 1/35 Armor-Russian T-54B
700338 1/35 Armor-Russian T-54B
Retail Price: $39.50
Scale: 1/35

Stock Status: In Stock

Product Code: 700338

T-54B Model 1952This version introduced night fighting equipment with the addition of a Luna L-2 IR searchlight on the turret front, an OU-3 IR searchlight on the commanders cupola, and a TPN-1 gunners day/night sight in place of the simpler MK-4 periscope in front of the gunners station . This version also introduced the Tsiklon (Cyclon e)2-axis stabilization system and the improved D-10T2S 100mm gun. This was the first version of the T-54 series regularly fitted with the OPVT river for ding equipment allowing crossing of rivers up to 5 meters deep and 700Mwide. The polish equivalent of the T-54B was designated T-54AM, a designation which is sometimes used in the West for this type whe the r Soviet or Polish. Series production of their version began in the USSR at the beginning of 1957.