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1635 F-15 EAGLE
1635 F-15 EAGLE


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Scale: 1:100
Brand: Academy

Product Code: 1635

The F-15 Eagle was designed specifically to reprise the role of "dogfighter". To do this, the basic engineering was directed toward lower maintenance time by using less complicated systems. Maintaining the Eagle takes about half the time it takes for a Phantom, yet the F-15 retains essential automatic controls, such as engine inlet positioning.

The Eagle's twin F100 afterburning turbofans produce 10,000 more pounds of thrust than the weight of the plane. This allows the F-15 to turn tightly without sacrificing precious airspeed.

The Eagle carries one 20mm rotary cannon as standard equipment, but eight hardpoints can carry an enormous variety of additional weaponry to enhance the dogfighting abilities of the plane.

Kit Includes:
  • Detailed cockpit Interior & landing gear
  • Various under-wing weaponry
  • Fully engraved panel lines